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Venue - Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Orthopedic Department


Reviewed by Marion

Overall review: 4 Stars

Visit date: 15 November 2023

The really positive thing for me was that the wards were divided into single rooms with their own shower, toilet and basin. If I had had to share I would not have managed and would probably have checked myself out immediately after surgery on my broken arm. The staff were all excellent. They introduced themselves by their first names, answered all my numerous questions and did a very good job of repairing my arm. Just one of the surgeons (fortunately not one of the ones who operated on me) was a bit arrogant. After the surgery they organised vegan food for me and even gave me a choice, but it was fortunate that friends had brought me something to eat the first night. A friend, Eugene, who happened to be visiting phoned for me and made all the arrangements. I think this was a general NHS number not for this specific hospital. I am not sure how I would have organised this otherwise. I have cycled there previously for meetings, but find it not the easiest place to get to I am not sure how you would get there by public transport. Eugen also drove me to the hospital and waited with me and spoke to people for me which I was very grateful for. The intial wait was quite long and I spent it doing some work in the accessible toilet which fortunately did not not smell. After that staff went with us to the various locations and found us quiet rooms to wait in, which was great. Better to avoid accidents and the need for surgery, but taking that into account, a reasonable good experience overall.

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